We collaborate with highly skilled factories, including those that have produced for authentic brands.
Our replicas has already achieved 95-99% similarity, can be seen through our comparison photos. Human eye won't be able to detect whether it's ORI or copy.
Our bags have been tested for international travel, pass customs smoothly, and customers can shop confidently without having any concerns.
Yes. After creating an account, you will be able to see the price listed. Add the items you like into your cart, and press checkout. It will prompt you to our WhatsApp customer service, and you can make payment there with our customer service.
For Malaysians, we accept bank transfer via Duitnow QR, online bank transfer & credit card payment.
For Singaporeans, we accept Paynow QR & credit card payment.
Our friendly customer service would be happy to assist you with the payment methods above!
For courier services:
MALAYSIA: POS Laju, GDex, NinjaVan (Free Shipping) , LALAMOVE (For KL only, under customer's costing)
SINGAPORE: GDex, DHL (Free Shipping)
WORLDWIDE: DHL (Free Shipping for orders over $1,000)
For READY STOCKS, usually around 1-3 working days. Singapore 3-5 working days.
For PRE-ORDERS, usually around 2-3 weeks depending on international freight shipping and customs clearance. Customs clearance can be a little longer sometimes due to government regulations.
But not to worry, items that you ordered will definitely arrive at your hands safely!
For return / exchange, item(s) must not be used or washed, any signs of usage will be deemed unexchangeable.
Item(s) must be packed nicely back to it's original state. Contact our friendly customer service for return address. Shipping for return / exchange will be bared by customer.